HP Cycle 8

10/18 - 10/23

F 10/18

M 10/21

T 10/22

W 10/23

🟢 5: F 10/18 - analyzing 2 experiments

Today, we'll take the next and final step in your lab analysis and talk about how to use the findings from your final lab graphs to find the relationship between force, mass, and motion.  To do this, we'll have to learn how to combine two equations together to form one big equations that relates all three of the variables.  We'll also discuss what needs to be in the final lab report.  If there is time, you'll start working on that report.

Lab reports are INDIVIDUAL! You may share ideas in your lab groups verbally, but all the writing must be your own - your own words AND your own sentence/paragraph structure. My suggestion is that you discuss and listen to others in your group. Do not write anything at this time. Then let a couple minutes pass before writing everything in your own words. Do not share your document with any other students. Do not cut and paste any phrases into email, text, or a messaging app. Do not share screens if you are video chatting. Do not dictate or write down sentences while anyone in your group is talking. If I detect that your work is not completely your own, you could suffer serious consequence to your grade and/or disciplinary action, so be smart about this!

Below is an example of similar sentence structure which is considered plagiarism:

Student 1:

Building off the previous equation(a ∝ F/m), we know that we have established some sort of relationship between force, mass, and acceleration. We can build off of this and create a mathematical equation using the equal sign. To do this, we need to establish another variable, called C. This will be a constant, and will help us establish a more algebraic equation.

Student 2:  

Expanding on the earlier equation (a ∝ F/m), it is evident that we have established a connection between force, mass, and acceleration. We can further develop this relationship by formulating a mathematical equation using the equals sign. To achieve this, we introduce a new variable, denoted as C. This variable represents a constant and will play a crucial role in creating a more algebraic equation.

HomeworkAnalysis is due to ✏️ Google Classroom on Sunday, October 20th at 10pm.   

Tonight, it is very important to type up what we talked about in class before you forget.  If you have any questions, ask me next class or send me an email at barbara.fortunato@wwprsd.org or gabriella.kukon@wwprsd.org .  Make sure you use Equation Editor or an equivalent program to type your equations in Google Docs.  Handwritten equations in your write-up are not acceptable.  "^" and "_" are also not acceptable - you must learn how to use your word processing program to accommodate subscript and superscript.  ❗Newton's First Law Quiz on Tuesday, October 22nd.  Lab quiz ALSO on Tuesday, October 22nd.

VERY IMPORTANT HOMEWORK:  Please this video on drawing "free body diagrams," aka "force diagrams."  This video was made for students in AT Physics, so there are some advanced concepts like knowing the direction of acceleration and also picking the "right" sign convention.  You don't need to pay attention to this.  There are also things about knowing if the forces equal each other that you can ignore for now.  Just focus on how to draw the arrows and label them appropriately.   

🟩❗ 5: T 10/22 - Newton's Second Law

Assessment on Newton's 1st Law TODAY!  Force Mass & Motion Lab quiz ALSO TODAY!

Today, we'll review Newton's Second Law through interactive lecture. We'll learn how to use our free-body diagrams to solve problems using Newton's Second Law.  

In addition, we'll talk about the results of the lab and learn about what the accepted value is for our constant.

PresentationHow to use Newton's Second Law

HomeworkPractice drawing force diagrams on the 📄 Free Body Diagrams Worksheet.  Look over your notes to make sure you understand what we've done so far with Newton's Second Law.

💚 5: W 10/23 - 📖✏️Newton's Second Law problems

Today, we'll do some practice on applying Newton's Second Law by first collaboratively solving problems on Simple Forces CompuSheets #1 (SOLUTIONS)After that, we'll work on problems from the 📖textbook - chapter 4: #17, 24, 25, 34, 66.   (optional: # 15, 19, 20, 22)

We will also discuss the new GRADE INSURANCE POLICY.  

Homework:  Finish any problems from above.  QUIZ on free body diagrams and basic Newton's 2nd Law Monday, October 28th!

Optional Extra Practice: all of  FYP: Newton's Laws of Motion (SOLUTIONS).