HP Cycle 9
10/24 - 10/29
Th 10/24
F 10/25
M 10/28
T 10/29
🟢 5: Th 10/24 - elevator intro
Today, we'll learn about a class of problems called "elevator problems." You'll learn that a bathroom scale does not really measure your weight in all situations.
From Ms. Kukon, see Google Classroom for details:
Hi everyone! Mrs. Fortunato and I will be out today, while you are in the sub-study, please watch the lesson video on how to solve elevator problems "Kukon Elevator Problems." Once you have finished watching the video, please complete problems 19 and 62 in the end of chapter problems from chapter 5. These problems will be due at the end of our normal class time. I have also attached 3 YouTube videos if you are still confused. If you have any questions, please let us know.
Then, do Elevator Problems #1-5. (skip #1b) (SOLUTIONS). Watch the following videos which may be useful in understanding elevator problems if you need clarification. These types of problems are easy to solve using the techniques that we've already been using including drawing free body diagrams and writing ΣF statements. Remember, a bathroom scale will read your "apparent weight" or the NORMAL force!
If we finish early, we'll start the problems from the next post.
Presentation: Elevator Problem
Homework: Finish Elevator Problems #1-5. (skip #1b) (SOLUTIONS). QUIZ on free body diagrams and basic Newton's 2nd Law next class - Monday, October 28th! Watch the videos below for more about elevators.
Optional Extra Practice: #1-13 only of FYP: Newton's Laws of Motion. SOLUTIONS.
🟩❗ 5: M 10/28 - 📖 Newton's 2nd Law problems
QUIZ on free body diagrams and basic Newton's 2nd Law TODAY!
Today, we'll practice with Newton's 2nd Law by working through some 📖 Mastering Physics problems from Chapter 5 in your textbook "Ch 5 - N2L 1-D basic problems": #6, 9, 11-13, 15, 19-23, 53, 55, 60, 64.
Homework: Finish the any of the above problems that you did not finish.
Optional Extra Practice: #1-13 only of FYP: Newton's Laws of Motion. SOLUTIONS.
💚 5: T 10/29 - friction lab
Today, we'll introduce the idea of quantifying friction. We'll talk about where friction is helpful (walking and braking) where it is not (in lab situations). We'll also talk about the difference between static friction and kinetic friction. We'll talk about how to increase the friction between two surfaces (think Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid). Finally, we'll do a lab to find the mathematical relationship between the normal force and the force of friction.
Handout: Friction Lab - Write your responses on a separate sheet of paper to be turned in.
Virtual Alternative: LAB - Friction (virtual) if you are absent. Make a copy into your own Google Drive.
Homework: Finish what you can in the Friction Lab. Whole lab is due Wednesday, October 30th, but you really should be able to finish it in class.
Homework: Watch the following video on friction so that you'll know how to solve friction problems next time. Quiz on Newton's 2nd Law problems (including elevator problems) PLUS friction Monday, November 4th!