AT Cycle 8
10/18 - 10/23
F 10/18
M 10/21
T 10/22
W 10/23
🔴❗ 2: F 10/18, 🟡❗ 4: F 10/18, 🔵❗8: F 10/18 - static equilibrium & tipping
QUIZ on static equilibrium problems on TODAY!
With any time remaining, you'll finish the tipping problems in the post above.
Homework: Finish any of the above problems. Watch the video below. If you've taken calculus before, this may be review, but watch it anyway from a physics perspective. If you have not taken calculus before, you might watch this more carefully. We will be starting to review the calculus necessary for this course next class. If you are confused by this video, don't worry; we will address your questions next time by going over the material again, but it is important to have more than one exposure before understanding.
🟥 2: T 10/22 lab, 🟨 4: M 10/21 lab, 🟦 8: M 10/21 lab - integrals intro
Today, for those who haven't completed a calculus course yet, we'll talk about the basics of derivatives and integrals, and see how this would help us with kinematics problems. You'll be grouped heterogeneously in small groups to learn about what derivatives and integrals are. We'll look particularly at velocity vs. time graphs.
Then, we'll continue our discussion of calculus in the context of kinematics. For those students who have already taken calculus, you'll be working the following Chapter 2 problems and non-uniform acceleration worksheet.
For those who have already completed one year of calculus and beyond:
Required: Ch 2 #17, 22, 81, 82, 86, Worksheet #1-3 ****
Enrichment: Worksheet #4 and AP problem 2010M3, Ch 2#104, 119
For those taking calculus for the first time this year:
Required: Ch 2 #15, 16, 17, 22, 81, 82, Worksheet #1-2
Enrichment: Ch 2 #86
Homework: If you're new to integrals, review the Introduction to Calculus Presentation. Write down any questions you have, and be sure to ask your group next class. Finish the above problems on kinematics with calculus. If you have issues understanding how calculus applies to kinematics, rewatch some videos from the past week or read the textbook Chapter 2. Make sure you've done required problems at least.
Watch the following videos on center of mass. Although there are quite a few videos, each one is not very long.
❤️ 2: W 10/23, 💛 4: T 10/22, 💙 8: T 10/22 - density lab
Today, we'll review what you know about density and introduce the concepts of linear and surface densities. We'll perform a lab together that requires you to measure, estimate, and find other information. Write up your lab, and hand it in next class.
If you finish early, then start watching the videos below on center of mass.
Homework: Watch the following videos on finding the center of mass of an object. The first video shows you the theory on finding the center of mass. The second video shows you how to find the center of mass of an object using the summation. The third and fourth videos show you how to use the integral to find the center of mass. Sorry for the long homework.