AT Cycle 16

12/10 - 12/13

T 12/10

W 12/11

Th 12/12

F 12/13

🔴 2: F 12/10, 🟡 4: F 12/10, 🔵 8: F 12/10 - continuous charge distribution (1) 

Daily Check-in: E-field continuous distribution

Today, after the lengthy check-in, we'll do some problems which require us to calculate the electric field due to a continuous distribution of charge:  

Homework/Pre-Lab:  By next class, read this page on Electric Field Lines from The Physics Classroom.  Make sure that you understand the rules for drawing electric field lines.  

🟥 2: Th 12/12 lab, 🟨 4: W 12/11 lab, 🟦 8: W 12/11 lab - continuous charge distribution (2)  & flux

Today, we'll continue to do problems which require us to calculate the electric field due to a continuous distribution of charge:  

By the end of the first hour, we will start the next lab activity.  We'll review what you should have learned about flux last year:  last year, we talked about magnetic flux in the context of induction, and this year, we'll find out more about electric flux.

Then, we'll review electric field lines by playing with an online applet (Falstad 2-D Electrostatic Fields) while starting on this worksheet: Flux Using Applet.  We'll explore the concept of fluxWe'll try to find PATTERNS when you draw these imaginary boxes in electric fields. Then, we'll go back to the online applet which will help us to understand even more about flux.  If you are absent, watch this video for directions on using the applet and filling out the worksheet.

After we explore our findings from the applet investigation, we'll collect our observations and the patterns that we could see from the investigation.  We'll end this hour by discussing the intricacies of calculating electric flux.  

Homework: QUIZ on Electric Field Integral on Monday, December 16th.  If you have not finished the flux worksheet, please do so.  Then, watch the following two videos on Gauss's Law:  

❤️ 2: F 12/13, 💛 4: Th 12/12, 💙 8: Gauss's Law problems

Then, we'll recap how to use Gauss's Law for a conducting sphere.  We'll then talk about why the electric field inside a conductor is always zero (in an electrostatic case anyway) by looking at what happens when we put a piece of metal inside an electric field. 

Then, if there's time, start problems from Chapter 23:

    Required: 4, 7, 14, 20, 29, 32, 52

Homework: QUIZ on Electric Field Integral next class - Monday, December 16th.  Finish the above problem set.  Watch the following videos on finding the electric field inside a spherical insulator and finding the electric field around a sphere of non-uniform charge density: