HP Cycle 20
1/15 - 1/21
W 1/15
Th 1/16
F 1/17
T 1/21
🟢 5: W 1/15 - ↩️Pivot pendulum energy lab (2)
Today, we'll continue working on our pendulum lab from last time. Make sure to get all of your data today if you didn't get it last time!
Homework: Pendulum energy lab is due in ↩️Pivot interactives on Thursday, January 16th at 10pm. Pendulum Lab assessment next class - Friday, January 17th.
🟩❗5: F 1/17 - conservation of energy, K & Ug
Pendulum Lab assessment TODAY!
Today, we'll discover the interesting thing about the conservation of energy by doing a few problems which will require you to remember everything you have learned so far this year. We will learn that there are usually a few different ways of solving physics problems - with forces and kinematics or with work and energy. We will discover when it is best to use either strategy. We'll also learn how to use "before and after" diagrams.
Presentation: Conservation of Energy Examples (we'll focus on slides 1-11)
Optional Extra Practice: Work & Energy Packet page 2-3 (Unit 6 CompuSheets Answers)
Homework: If you happen to miss class today or need to review, you can watch the following videos:
Deriving formula for kinetic energy:
Even though the following video is on ELECTRIC potential energy, the beginning introduces how to derive the formula for gravitational potential energy, so ONLY WATCH FROM TIME 0:46-6:08:
Simple video on energy conservation:
💚 5: T 1/21 - 📖 work & basic energy problems
Today, we'll work on 📖 textbook problems from Ch 10 on Work & Basic Energy #1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 13, 14, 20, 21, 23.
Homework: Finish 📖 textbook problems above.