AT Cycle 1

9/5 - 9/11

F 9/6

M 9/9

T 9/10

W 9/11

*Z* 2: Th 9/5, *Z* 4: Th 9/5, *Z* 8: Th 9/5 - welcome!

Welcome to AT Physics!  Today, we'll spend time getting to know each other and answering questions about the course.  We will briefly go over what is available on my website, and will start introducing ourselves.  You'll get a textbook today.  

Homework:  Accept the invitation to Google Classroom if you have not already.  I expect that you will check your school Gmail often; I will use it touch base with you.  If you do not check this email often, then set up forwarding by following these instructions.  Also, make sure you have reviewed the summer assignment.  ❗Assessment on what you should already know going into this class is on Wednesday, September 18th Tuesday, September 24th. 

Topics for Summer Assignment ASSESSMENT on W 9/18 T 9/24

 Formula Sheet for Assessment
(you will not need all of these formulas)


Electricity & Magnetism

🔴 2: F 9/6, 🟡 4: F 9/6, 🔵 8: F 9/6 - what is learning?

Seniors will be in an assembly Friday, September 6th during 3rd hour.  During this time, juniors will have time to study for the upcoming review test.  Use the summer assignment as a guide as to what you should know.    

Today, we'll tackle two very difficult questions:  

We'll talk about learning in general and in this course.  We'll look at some research that will help us to understand learning:

Homework:  Accept the invitation to Google Classroom if you have not already.  I expect that you will check your school Gmail often; I will use it touch base with you.  If you do not check this email often, then set up forwarding by following these instructions.  Also, make sure you have reviewed the summer assignment.  ❗Assessment on Wednesday, September 18th Tuesday, September 24th. 

🟥 2: T 9/10 lab, 🟨 4: M 9/9 lab, 🟦 8: M 9/9 lab - is struggle bad?

We'll finish whatever we did not finish of yesterday's lesson.  We'll tackle these questions:

We'll take a look at a couple of articles:

Then, we'll discuss specific strategies to help us when we struggle:  

You'll make your own learning pit poster with self-talk ideas.  We will make a reminder poster for the room to help you. 

Finally, we'll watch a short video on "blended learning" (aka flipped classroom) to learn the mechanics of how much of the learning will take place in this course.  We'll discuss the pros and cons plus strategies for success.

Homework:  Fill out the Personal Learning Habits questionnaire in ✏️ Google Classroom by Wednesday at 10pm.

If there's time, we'll also talk about collaboration:

HomeworkWatch this 20-minute video for homework.  Even though the video itself is only 20 minutes, most people will not spend exactly that amount of time with it.  Some people will spend 15 minutes and others will spend 1 hour.  For some of you, this will be easy review and for others, you'll have to work hard to learn a more standard notation.  Don't forget to pause, take notes, rewind and rewatch, or fast forward as necessary.  By next class, I want to see that you've at least tried the example problems at the end of the video. 

❤️ 2: W 9/11, 💛 4: T 9/10, 💙7: T 9/10 - free body diagrams

Daily Check-in #1: free body diagrams

Today, we'll do our first daily check-in.  This will test your ability to apply the principles in the free body diagram video.   

Homework:  I want you to watch the second video tonight.  Don't forget to take notes, pause, rewind, replay, or even fast forward if necessary.  Come to class with any questions you have and be prepared for a daily check-in next class.