AT Cycle 26

2/24 - 2/27

M 2/24

T 2/25

W 2/26

Th 2/27

🔴❗ 2: M 2/24, 🟡❗ 4: M 2/24, 🔵❗ 8: M 2/24 - slinky magnetic field lab

Quiz on Biot-Savart problems TODAY!

Today, we'll continue our in-person lab involving Ampere's Law. In this lab, we will explore factors that affect the magnetic field inside the solenoid.  By inserting a magnetic field sensor between the coils of the Slinky, you can measure the magnetic field inside the coil. You will also find an experimental value for μ0 , the permeability of free space.  The lab details can be found in the ↩️ Pivot Interactives called "Magnetic Field in a Slinky (in-person)."

Safety Precautions:

If you miss class, email me to remind me to open the ↩️ Pivot Interactives called "Magnetic Field in a Slinky (virtual)" which allow you to do the lab without taking in-person data in class.  

HomeworkUnit Assessment on all of Magnetism Friday, February 28th. ↩️ Pivot Interactives called "Magnetic Field in a Slinky" is due Monday, February 25th at 10pm.  Watch the following video on finding the magnetic field inside a solenoid and toroid.  I'm sorry this video is so much longer than normal (31 minutes), but my hope is that we talk about a lot of this stuff in class, especially when it comes to the solenoid.  Definitely watch the last part about the toroid or the whole video if we don't get to talk about the solenoid in class:   

🟥 2: W 2/26 lab, 🟨 4: 2/25 lab, 🟦 8: T 2/25 lab - Ampere's Laws AP problems (2)

Today, we'll continue class by finishing any problems that you didn't finish from the textbook.  Then, we'll use what we've learned about Ampere's Law to solve some AP problems.  

    Required 1:  2000E3, 1993E1, 1979E2
    Required 2: 1983E3*, 1988E3a, multiple choice

    * Add the following part to the 1983E3 problem: 
(c.) (i.) Find an expression for the force per unit length between the two wires.  (ii.)  Is this force attractive or repulsive?
        ANSWER: (c.)(i.)  F/ = μ0 I1 I2 / (4πa).  (ii.) attractive

    Multiple Choice Answers:  19-E, 47-D, 68-C, 65-D, 50-E, 42-E

Then, we'll do some Ampere's Law problems from the textbook: 

    Required: Halliday Ch 29 #35, 49, 52, 53, 54

HomeworkFinish all Ampere's Law AP problems aboveUnit Assessment on all of Magnetism Friday, February 28th.  Review induction concepts for next unit by watching videos on my AT Induction Review page.  Maybe re-watch the Mass Spectrometer video as review for the test.  

❤️ 2: Th 2/27, 💛 4: W 2/26, 💙 8: W 2/26 - mass spectrometer

Today, you'll see a real life application of charges simultaneously in multiple fields we've already learned about. 

Then, as a final review, we'll do some practice with a mass spectrometerMake sure you enter YOUR first and last name in the name field on the "enter answers" tab.  

Watch the video for more information.

HomeworkUpload your "calculations correct" screenshot to ✏️ Google Classroom by Wednesday at 10pm.  Only screenshots with YOUR first and last name will be accepted for credit.  Study for Unit Assessment on all of Magnetism next class - Friday, February 28th.