Honors Physics

This is an algebra-based physics course which will prepare students for further study in physics in college or AT Physics.  It will cover topics in both mechanics and electricity & magnetism (aka "E&M").  It is possible to self-study a few more topics to prepare for the AP Physics 1 test.  If interested, check out my self-study guide which outlines the topics covered on the AP Physics 1 test vs in the course.  You'll want to start your self-studying at least a few months early.

Lessons and assignment submission are also available in Google Classroom.


College Physics: A Strategic Approach 4e
AP  Edition, Pearson
Knight, Jones, Field
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-757472-8
ISBN-10: 0-13-757472-X


You may want a notebook for notes and practice problems that you will be doing in class and for homework.  This can be anything that is comfortable for you - spiral-bound, loose-leaf with binder, composition book, lined or unlined, reusable notebook (eg. I love my Rocketbook), or whatever else will keep you organized.  

Please purchase a 9.75" x 7.5" composition book - either wide-ruled or college ruled (not graph paper) for your daily check-ins and lab work which will be separate from the notebook in which you take notes and do practice problems.  This notebook will be kept in the classroom.

Additionally, you may want a hand-held calculator (graphing or scientific).  A Texas Instruments TI-30XS will be provided to you for in-class assessments.

How to be Successful in Physics honors

What not to do

Additional policies